*Associate Member
Gluek Beer is a 160-year old brand, established on the banks of the Mississippi in 1857, one year before MN became a state. I have recently relaunched this legacy brand and had my first three 200bbl batches of Gluek Pilsener Pale Lager brewed and packaged at Sleeping Giant Brewing Co. in Denver, to get my beer into the market. I am bringing the production of Gluek Beer back to MN in 2018 and couldn’t be more excited about it. Would be honored to be accepted into the MN Guild as I’ve been a member of the BA for a couple of years and am friends with Paul Gatza and the gang in Boulder. Excited to meet some of you at the next event, are there regular meetings I could attend? Be well and take good care. Kindly, Linda
13100 Wayzata Blvd
Minnetonka, MN 55305