Always Something New on Tap at the Brewed in MN Exhibit!

We’re proud to feature the most MN craft beer anywhere in the Fair! With rotating flights of nearly 200 individual beers from 98 MN breweries and brewpubs, the “Brewed in Minnesota” exhibit offers the most varied – and constantly changing – beer lineup at the fair! Stop by our space in the Agriculture/Horticulture building for a different flight every time you visit – there’s always something new on tap!


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Constantly Rotating Flights of MN Craft Beer – A Unique Experience Every Time You Visit!

Try out new styles and explore the variety of what MN craft breweries can offer. Our exhibit features five rotating flights, each with 4 different beers from 4 different breweries. After a keg is emptied, it’s replaced by a whole new beer. On a busy Fair day, you could see 20 new beers available every hour!

  • BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND: FLAVOR-THEMED FLIGHTS! We heard you loud and clear! Our exhibit will again organize beer flights by flavor category:
    • Crisp & Clean – cream ales, pilsners, lagers, and other thirst quenchers
    • Hoppy & Bitter – IPAs, DDHIPAs, NEIPAs, Hazys- we’ve got them all
    • Fruity, Spicy, Tart, & Funky – everything fruited, sour, or strange
    • Malty, Sweet, Dark, & Roasty – for the dark-beer lovers – porters and stouts with all your favorite flavors
    • Minnesota Mix – looking for a variety? This fight features everything!
    • NEW THIS YEAR: NA Craft Beverages! Not drinking alcohol? Not a problem! Sample MN-made NA craft beverage flights: beer, cider, kombucha, soda, and more!

Learn About Craft Beer, MN’s Brewing History, and the Connections Between Craft Beer and MN Agriculture

Learn about ingredients, see the process of how beer is made, and get caught up on recent legislative updates. Our stage features presentations twice daily that explore the local businesses, ingredients, and people who make MN one of the top craft beer states in the nation! See the full presentation schedule below.


About the Flights

Our exhibit features 200 unique beers and other craft beverages from 98 MN breweries, brewpubs, and other beverage producers. It’s the most diverse lineup at the fair and highlights brewers from all across Minnesota! At any one time, you’ll find 20 different products on tap; come back after a few hours for a whole new set of options! New this year, we’re also featuring an NA beverage flight for folks who want to explore craft beverages, without the alcohol! We’re excited to bring more options to the Fair and highlight that locally-made craft brews are for everyone!

NOTE: Featuring so many brews in one place is no small feat! Because we cannot predict when a beer will sell out and a new keg will replace it, we can’t offer a beer schedule or tell you which beers you tried after the event. Be sure to take a picture of the flight screen you order to remember what you tried!

MN Craft Brewers at Our 2024 Exhibit:

320 Dwellers Brewing
56 Brewing
Alloy Brewing Company
Arbeiter Brewing Company
August Schells Brewing Company
Back Shed Brewing
Bad Weather Brewing Company
Badger Hill Brewing
Bald Man Brewing
Bear Cave Brewing
Bent Brewstrillery
Bent Paddle Brewing Co.
Big Axe Brewing Company Llc
Birch’s on the Lake
Blacklist Brewing Company
Boathouse Brothers Brewing Co
Brau Brothers Brewing Co
Broken Clock Brewing Cooperative
BŪCH Fermentary & Taproom
Castle Danger Brewery
Chaotic Good Brewing Company
Chapel Brewing
Dangerous Man Brewing
Dual Citizen Brewing Company
Duluth Cider
Elm Creek Brewing Co.
Excelsior Brewing Company
Fair State Brewing Cooperative
Falling Knife Brewing Company
Fergus Brewing Company
Fitger’s Brewhouse
Foremost Brewing Cooperative
Forgotten Star Brewing Co.
Fulton Brewing
Gambit Brewing Co
Garphish Brewing Company
Giesenbräu Bier Co
Gluek Beer
Haggard Barrel Brewing
HeadFlyer Brewing
Heavy Rotation Brewing Company
Imminent Brewing
Inbound BrewCo
Indeed Brewing Company
Insight Brewing Company
Invictus Brewing Company
Jack Pine Brewery
Klockow Brewing Company
Lake Monster Brewing
Lake Superior Brewing
Lift Bridge Brewing Co
Little Thistle Brewing
LocAle Brewing Company
LocAle Brewing Company
Lost Saint Brewing Co
Lupulin Brewing
Mana Brewing
Mankato Brewery
MetroNOME Brewery
Mineral Springs Brewery
Minneapolis Cider Company / Crispin Cider
Modist Brewing Company
Montgomery Brewing
Nine Mile Brewing Company
North 20 Brewing Co
Nouvelle Brewing by Travail
Number 12 Cider
OMNI Brewing Company
Outstate Brewing Company
Paddlefish Brewing Co.
Padraigs Brewing
Pryes Brewing Company
Rail Werks Brewing Depot
Saint Paul Brewing
Schram Haus Brewery
Shakopee Brewhall
Sleepy Eye Brewing Company
Sociable Cider Werks
Spiral Brewery
StormKing Brewpub & Barbecue
Summit Brewing Company
Torg Brewery
Town Hall Brewery
Trove Brewing
Ullsperger Brewing
Uncommon Loon Brewing Company
Unmapped Brewing Co.
Urban Growler Brewing Company
Ursa Minor Brewing
Voyageur Brewing Company
Wabasha Brewing
Waconia Brewing Company
Waldmann Brewery
Wandering Leaf Brewing
Wild State Cider
Wooden Hill Brewing
Wooden Ship Brewing Company

Presentation Schedule Coming Summer 2025


Free Brewery Maps

While at the exhibit, check out the giant brewery map hanging on the wall to explore MN’s amazing network of craft breweries and brewpubs. Then, grab a free brewery map to-go as you head off to explore MN craft beer throughout the rest of the year! (Free maps while supplies last!)

Craft Beer Gifts

Grab some new swag for yourself or for a fellow craft beer lover! Our exhibit sells t-shirts, hats, pint glasses, and more. All proceeds of the exhibit support the MNCBG non-profit mission to promote, protect, and grow a robust Minnesota craft brewing industry.


Supporting Partners

We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the MN State Fair for elevating MN craft beer throughout the Fair for more than a decade! In addition to visiting our exhibit, be sure to check out the Fair’s Specialty Sips program to find dozens of new MN-made craft beverages at venues all across the Fair.

We also want to thank our exhibit employees and presenters, and these important exhibit partners:

  • Lancer Hospitality Group
  • Metro Cold Stor
  • Beertory

Brewed in Minnesota FAQs

What Makes This Exhibit Unique?
The MNCBG “Brewed in Minnesota” exhibit offers the largest number and variety of Minnesota-made beers at the Fair, but why we’re able to do so is the really special thing about this exhibit!

For more than a decade, the MN State Fair has been incredibly supportive of the MN craft brewing industry. In 2012, with the support of the Fair, we opened our “Land of 10,000 Beers” exhibit in the Ag/Hort building, which allowed the Fair to more-than-double the amount of MN-made craft beer on offer to fairgoers. Back then, the majority of MN craft brewery business were brewpubs, and brewpubs are not normally allowed to distribute their beer. So we and the Fair secured a specific legal exception to allow brewpub members of the MN Craft Brewers Guild to supply their beer to us, just for this exhibit! Our exhibit at the Fair continues to be one of the only places you can sample brewpubs’ beer outside of the brewpub itself!

Since the early days of the exhibit, we have continued to feature an ever-growing array of MN beer from all across the state. While most venues at the Fair require breweries to supply a large number of kegs to ensure consistent products for the Fair’s duration, our exhibit does not! Any member of our organization is able to submit as few as a single keg for purchase, and all of our members are guaranteed at least one keg at the exhibit. Through the Brewed in Minnesota exhibit, the MN State Fair and MN Craft Brewers Guild are able to minimize the barriers to participation, and provide promotion and support opportunities to nearly every craft brewery and brewpub in the state, no matter their size or production capacity. That means fairgoers get a real representation of the quality and variety of craft beer that can be found across MN!

How much beer flows through the exhibit? 
Over the course of the Fair, we pour roughly 500 kegs of beer for Fairgoers! Our exhibit features 5 constantly-rotating flights (4 beers from 4 different breweries); flights are themed based on flavor to help Fairgoers discover new styles and flavor profiles they might like. If you know you like pilsners but aren’t sure where to go from there, you can buy a “Crisp & Clean” flight to sample a pilsner, lager, kolsch, and cream ale!

Who is giving presentations?
Presenters are MN craft brewery and brewpub staff or other experts from within the industry. Presentations cover a range of topics – from the earliest ingredient, to the process of brewing, to the business of getting beer to the people, and the culture in which this all happens. We also are featuring several industry partners this year, including the MN Home Brewers Association, who will be awarding their MN State Fair Homebrew Competition winners on our stage!

Learn more about the MN Craft Brewers Guild, our mission, and our members on our About page.